Monday, April 23, 2012

The Eyes continued

The Eyes, was a multi-step performance project.
Step 1: I sat down in the DSU and observed where my eyes and others were attracted to.  I noticed that they seemed to pay attention not only what was in front of them but the tables, the banners, and the people on the stairs.
Step 2: I went home and videotaped my eyes for as long as I could stare at the camera. This turned out to be about 5 minutes. I did this a few times and then watched them on the computer to see which one seemed more captivating.
Step 3: Make a video. I used an HP movie maker system on my computer to make a movie of my eyes; I had the 5 minute clip of my eyes play back to back for about 30 minutes.  From there I sat alongside a test subject and watched the video on a widescreen TV and an old school TV to see how it looked, mainly because I had no idea what kind of TV that I would get the day of the performance. I wanted to be sure no matter what the eyes would fit.
Step 4: Getting permission. I had to get the project approved by campus activities to secure a spot and then I had to go to the Communications department to get the approval for the TV’s around campus and the CNU channel 9 to play my eyes during my performance (which they failed at getting them to play at the right time, instead played them hours after my performance was done)
Step 5: Set up and watch my performance grow.  This went pretty well, at first it took some prompting to get people to actually go sit in front of the TV, but after the lunch crowd picked up there were many people who willing sat or stood by and looked into my eyes.
Overall I was happy at how this project turned out. I was proud of how the eyes came out and how you could clearly see them from many different place and heights in the DSU Street.  If I did it again I would have fought harder for a projector so that I could have made them even larger and in your face.  My hopes were that people would feel something, I did not want them to feel a certain way, I think that everyone sees/interprets another person soul differently. As people came and talked to me it was apparent that every person did take it differently, some were creped out, others said that it was cool, some thought something bad was going to happen, probably the best one was when someone felt like they were getting to know me on a new level.  If I could change one thing I would have added a little note about the piece, some people said that it was a lot more effective after they found out what it was about. I got my inspiration for this piece from Marina Abramovic, I really enjoyed her piece. I think that the people that had strong reactions from staring into her eyes was due to the fact that they were feeling her soul or her inner feelings coming outward.

My Partner in this project was Stephanie Barstow, who helped me document the project. She is the one that took the photos while I videotaped it.

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Eyes

Eyes Seen on TV's on CNU's Campus-channel 9

Staring deeply into another eyes can leave you feeling something, for each person it is something different. Some feel fear, angst, happiness, stress, passion, strength, weakness, sadness, joy.There has to be a reason as to why you feel the things you do when you stare into someone else eyes.  The eyes are the window to your soul, or at least that is saying. This is perhaps why we each feel something when we look into the eyes of another person. We are seeing their soul, so the feelings that you get when looking into their eyes is what their souls are conveying to you. In doing this performance I am inviting others to stare into my soul in hopes that they will feel what my soul is emitting. Take a seat and stare a while may you find something interesting.


Cicero (106-43 B.C.) is quoted as saying, 'Ut imago est animi voltus sic indices oculi' (The face is a picture of the mind as the eyes are its interpreter). The L*tin proverbs, 'Vultus est index animi' or 'Oculus animi index,' are usually translated as 'The face is the index of the mind.' The French say, 'Les yeux sont le miroir de l'dme (The eyes are the mirror of the soul). 'The eyes are the window of the soul' is a variant form of the proverb..."

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Final Project- New Genres

The eyes are the window to the soul, or at least that is the saying.

For my last project I would like to base my project around that saying. I intend on wearing a mask that shows my eyes but conceals the rest of my identity. I will be doing it in the DSU next week some time. The viewer will get the chance to come and stare into my eyes for as long as they want, there will hopefully be a table next to it in which they can draw or sketch out what they saw when they looked into my eyes.